Stainless Steel Pickling Gel

Available sizes:
Metric : 0.8mm, 0.9mm, 1.0mm, 1.2mm
Imperial : 0.03", 0.035", 0.04", 0.045"
Precision Layer wound
Spool Sizes: 270mm, 300mm
Other sizes upon request
Spool weight: 12.5kg 13.5kg 15kg

Classification : AWS A/SFA5 18: ER 70S-6
Characteristics: SPARKO MIG wires are made of mild steel wire rods, that have medium to high manganese and silicon content, for porosity-free, high tensile strength welds (post welding) that yield a smoother weld from an experienced welder. The copper coating yields a higher than normal shelf life, in normal weather conditions.

Ours MIG wires have a well balanced chemical composition for smooth running in almost all applications, as tabulated below:

• Industrial, farming, construction and mining equipment
• Automotive repair
• For welding on metals with a medium to high presence of dirt, rust or mill scale
• Single pass welds on sheet metal applications
• Multiple pass welds on thick sections
• All position welding
• Butt and fillet welding of sheet and plate of a variety of thickness
• HVAC duct work
• General carbon steel structural welding
• Heavy equipment
